fINCAN Lab/Functional Imaging and Cognitive-Affective Neuroscience Research Group

fiNCAN Research Group led by Dr. Erol YILDIRIM focuses on the studying various cognitive abilities using the cognitive neuroscience research methods and techniques which are includes electroneurophysiology, neuroimaging, neuromodulation and experimental neuropsychology. The infrastructures are: fNIRS, EEG, Eye-Tracker, Virtual Reality, GSR and tES (tACS & tDCS).

Research Overview

Research Approach

Currently, fiNCAN research group is pursuing research on:

  • -Neuroimaging with EEG, fNIRS and fMRI
  • -Effects of neuromodulation
  • -Eye movements
  • -Virtual Reality
  • -Memory, emotion, social cognition, executive functions
  • -Neuropsychological measurements

We conduct research on the mind-brain relationship by measuring both behaviour and brain activity during cognitive tasks in our lab.

fiNCAN lab has a strong equipment infrastructure. We present stimulus with open-source stimulus presentation software such as PsychoPy and OpenSesame, as well as licensed e-Prime 2.0 and 3.0 With these stimulus presentation programs, we can measure cognitive abilities such as decision making, emotion recognition, reaction speed, memory, perception, etc. Also, we can record eye movements with our Eye-Tracker device while these tasks running. Also, we can measure brain activity which are relation to cognitive functions with the fNIRS and EEG devices. On the other hand, we also have powerful computers with which we can analyse MRI or fMRI data. We are using the Transcranial Electrical Stimulation device (tES; tDCS, tACS) for neuromodulation. We can intervene and shape the brain functioning with tES. In addition, we work with clinical and healthy groups to develop tests that measure cognitive abilities.


Eylül 1, 2024

Article / Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology

Effects of tDCS on emotion recognition and brain oscillations Saliha Şahintürk, Erol Yıldırım Abstract Introduction Emotion recognition, the ability to interpret the emotional state of individuals […]
Haziran 20, 2022

Workshop / EEG/fNIRS Workshop In Neuroscience Research

Studies that combine functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) with electroencephalography (EEG) techniques have become increasingly common during the past ten years. More thorough information upon several elements […]