In a study conducted in collaboration with Koc University, Istanbul University and Istanbul Medipol University, a molecule named M47, which reduces the half-life of the Cryptochrome 1 (CRY1) protein, was discovered through structure-dependent drug design. Our study was recently published in Nature Communications, a journal with a high impact factor. Both in vitro and in vivo studies in experimental animals have shown that the M47 molecule has the potential to be used as an anticancer drug in the treatment of cancer types related to p53 mutation. In vitro studies showed increased apoptosis in p53 mutant cancer cells as a result of CRY1 reduction mediated by M47. In subsequent preclinical studies, repeated systemic administration of M47 in p53 KO mice developing spontaneous tumors was shown to significantly (~25%) increase survival in mice. These results indicate that M47 molecule seems promising in the treatment of cancer forms related to p53 mutation.
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